Wednesday, May 21, 2008

RIGA experience

Old Town in Riga-not to be missed... especially on a sunny dayThe best way to is to be welcomed by the Latvians with BLACK RIGA BALM

There are great new residences outside of Riga. With a garden and a dog. And the owner is a tango dancer
Latvians are ready to submerge in tango. Our second visit in Riga is a successs. Lots of old and new, old and young, tango students.

Latvian girs are beauties and they want to be glamuorous ( glamurnitshka). Having tango shoes from Buenos Aires is a must. Why not getting two pairs at the same time?
Victor always gets romantic by the lockers bridge. That s where the married couple leave the sign of their faithfulness and throw the key in the water

Is it necessary to Argentina to drink mate? NO! In Riga s tea room you can get any of your preferred marks!

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