Love to come back to places like Bölerbyn Garveri- it feels like home! It s, however, a first time we are here in the winter ( sorry, spring, with the snow lingering on...) Now, for the first time Garveri was a milonga place!
Jan drove us early in the morning ( after his own private class in Skellefteå), to Böllerbyn, in an unnecesarily sunny day ( onödig solig dag). This to paraphrase what norrläningar say when the meal is delicious ´onöding gott´ ) I am only trying to say, that you don´t want to squander a sunny day that that. We will be however staying inside and giving 5 -6 tango classes and having a dance evening....For that you need anything but a sunny wheater...
Mind you- it s the same place the king and queen of Sweden as well as the ministers come to shop their suitcases, reindeer gloves and other beautiful hand made leather goods. Jan however, more and more often, uses his leather kingdom for tango related activities. We are more than happy about this!
Good memories came floating in, when we moved to our house where we were staying 4 years ago. Our good old falu röda hus!
But now the Piteå älv was picturesquely covered by the rests of floating ice and snow.
Our norrläningar, once again, made us known their well known hospitality. Before the milonga started, they organized a big dinner party, with the salmon ruling over other local delicacies. They remembered we were salmon freaks! Our most beloved students from Piteå, Skellefteå, Umeå, Luleå etc were here. Good time, good food, god tango and good conversations were had!
We did not miss a couple of Hellan Går! with the best of the best of Systembolaget products:
And then it was dancing and dancing and dancing with the leather smell from the factory....
Stephen, Catrin and Jan were recalling great moments from Buenos Aires; I did not even have time to change my shoes when he asked me to dance. Norrländs hot blood!
It was a great milonga in a Norrland s style! Good latin blood and steaming hearts.
In the morning next day we waved good by to the River ( Piteå Älv) promising our summer come back. And we always keep those promises!
Jan drove us to Älvsbyn, exactly like 4 years ago, this time the midnight sun will be around in about 2-3 weeks. It was a beautiful, sunny, almost spring like day- but for the snow...
Taking 10 40 am train from Älvsbyn, it will take other 4 hours to get to other next destination: KIRUNA! In a train we got a surprise: our tango students- Thomas from Luleå and Berit from Stockholm were sitting in the same compartment, heading to surprise us in Kiruna! Luckily enough- we would have somebody to toast - to skåla with, when we cross the Northen Polar Circle for the first time in our lives. And in their Swedish lives as well!
Jan drove us early in the morning ( after his own private class in Skellefteå), to Böllerbyn, in an unnecesarily sunny day ( onödig solig dag). This to paraphrase what norrläningar say when the meal is delicious ´onöding gott´ ) I am only trying to say, that you don´t want to squander a sunny day that that. We will be however staying inside and giving 5 -6 tango classes and having a dance evening....For that you need anything but a sunny wheater...
We did not miss a couple of Hellan Går! with the best of the best of Systembolaget products:
And then it was dancing and dancing and dancing with the leather smell from the factory....
In the morning next day we waved good by to the River ( Piteå Älv) promising our summer come back. And we always keep those promises!
Jan drove us to Älvsbyn, exactly like 4 years ago, this time the midnight sun will be around in about 2-3 weeks. It was a beautiful, sunny, almost spring like day- but for the snow...
Taking 10 40 am train from Älvsbyn, it will take other 4 hours to get to other next destination: KIRUNA! In a train we got a surprise: our tango students- Thomas from Luleå and Berit from Stockholm were sitting in the same compartment, heading to surprise us in Kiruna! Luckily enough- we would have somebody to toast - to skåla with, when we cross the Northen Polar Circle for the first time in our lives. And in their Swedish lives as well!
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