Our whole day trip to the mountains was our great award after the festival ' duties' . Andrzej & Ewa, our guides, wanted to show us the best and most tipical. Artistic spirit of Ewa, made us discover this little chapel on a crossroads.

This photo will probably not gain the photography reward, but me and Ewa just love it!

Our first stop was
bacówka ( mountain man's place) in KOTLINA KLODZKA- Przelecz Puchaczowka pod Czarna Gora, by Sienna.. By no means touristic! You can buy
oscypki ( goat cheese) but
żętyca you can only be offered as his personal guest or a friend. It's a real test for your stomach!

Góral was very impressed by Aisha' s drinking abilities. She doubled the amount of zetyca an everage mortal can take without running for the bathroom. Thus, she deserved a special treatment.

Andrzej & Ewa were friends, so were we by ' test of zetyca' so chatting away we got further ' bonties' of the houshold:
chleb ze smalcem ( white smeary fat with speck) and

Have you ever seen a Polish Montanes drinking mate? Neither have we! But here he goes asking us for someting tipical Argentinean. Thanks good A&E have this lovely habit of taking mate with us. Góral was SOOO PROUND DRINKING MATE AND FEELING ARGENTINEAN FOR A WHILE! This was our peace pipe.

Victor, tired by Polish conversations went to meditate the beauty of the KOTLINA KłODZKA in spring;

obviously, after having the obligatory tipical mountan delicatessen.

Spring was in apogeum!

So were we!

Touched by having received argentinean artists in his bacowka, goral put one of our tango flyers in his window frame.

And off we went with some of those delicious golden

Our next stop was a mountain house with a beautiful orchard in BLOOM!
IDZIKOW. It was a house ' pod pasterskimi skalkami " ( under the shephard's rocks)


AND have a picknic!

And a tipical " Victor's siesta" . Indispensable.

Our third station was very special. We could not visit mountains without having delicious trout! But, we did not wish to go to a restaurant...welcome to
Zbyszek, offers to his clients a pond and a fishing rod...

So, our men have to become hunters and put the prey on a table!

Victor was a pround fishermen: providing his and my lunch!

Our fish was immediately prepared and consumed in green surrounding. TASTES SOOO GOOOOD!

It felt like a trip back to the past.. and tranquility. Unfortunatelly, we had to be back in the Castle at 6 pm. And Polish punctuality is not argentinean! We only had time for the forth stop, a famous spa with healing waters: Polanica Zdroj.
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