The relationship between us and our tango student is not a formal one. I mean, it is not strictly maestro-student relationship. People are people, and we create more or less bonds with everybody. There are however students, with whom we develop friendships beyond tango. And there are those, whom we meet every year and it feels like visiting family. There are also obviously those, whose faces we do not remember, but the majority of them we can at least recognize as our students and even tell from which place in the world... It is sometimes a game we play when we meet them accidentally in a milonga in Buenos Aires...
But here and now I want to talk about OUR SPECIAL STUDENTS, those who share with us more that just tango. There are unforgettable encounters, may they last only a couple of day....
The order is arb
itrary. I will start with NICO AND ANS, a couple from Alkmaar, Holland, just because their story is a very fresh one and we are still deeply touched by it!
I have written about them in the ALKMAAR chapter by Aisha, thery were our guides and hosts in a Tango Festival in Alkmaar. But from the first moment we met, we knew they are not just regular people. They are a couple which is not influenced by age- more: being with them is like being with the teenagers! Nico is a politician, not only because he genuinely believes he can change the world - we are still recording his shocking idea about a country named Europe with one government- he is , in fact, an idealist, but also because of his ACTING ABILITES. Nico could be a comedian, an actor or definitely an artist of some kind. Ans is a woman with a body of a teenager. She is a special teacher, but an artist as a person. It is enough to see their house and their artistic romantic attics. Nico and Ans have a double life: a Dutch life and a French life. They have enough energy for may more lives, but they also need to escape from the Dutch weather and fill themselves with sunshine, wine and French country life. Therefore their house in Bourgogne will be a destiny we want to reach one day....
What is so special about this extraordinary couple?
They have been living together for 25 years and have just decided to get married! Nico says he finally feels mature enough. And Ans wants a VERY SPECIAL MARRIAGE CEREMONY.. and she will get it! They have agreed that it would be Nico who invents the ceremony, all in secret, and Ans will be the one to know it last: on their marriage day.
Nico revealed to us that it would be a bicycle as their wedding vehicle. And they will definitely repeat Victor s experience from the cheese Market: a cheese carrier s one. Obviously, they are from the most famous DUTCH CHEESE TOWN!
The only bad thing is, we could not personally assist the wedding,even though we were invited. We were a bit TOO far away, in Lapland, but we felt spiritually present. I got the description and photos of the wedding¨, which contains ALSO AISHA AND VICTOR s CONTRIBUTION!!!

At the beginning there was the cheese... Alkmaar cheese market and Ans, like a queen, greeting the gathered crowds and tourists being carried by Nico, elegant in his wedding suit , while other cheese carrier, in his traditional gilda robe.. I think they look just fantastic! Well, Victor looks nice in that role, too. To compare, there goes Victor s foto as well!

But here and now I want to talk about OUR SPECIAL STUDENTS, those who share with us more that just tango. There are unforgettable encounters, may they last only a couple of day....
The order is arb

I have written about them in the ALKMAAR chapter by Aisha, thery were our guides and hosts in a Tango Festival in Alkmaar. But from the first moment we met, we knew they are not just regular people. They are a couple which is not influenced by age- more: being with them is like being with the teenagers! Nico is a politician, not only because he genuinely believes he can change the world - we are still recording his shocking idea about a country named Europe with one government- he is , in fact, an idealist, but also because of his ACTING ABILITES. Nico could be a comedian, an actor or definitely an artist of some kind. Ans is a woman with a body of a teenager. She is a special teacher, but an artist as a person. It is enough to see their house and their artistic romantic attics. Nico and Ans have a double life: a Dutch life and a French life. They have enough energy for may more lives, but they also need to escape from the Dutch weather and fill themselves with sunshine, wine and French country life. Therefore their house in Bourgogne will be a destiny we want to reach one day....
What is so special about this extraordinary couple?
They have been living together for 25 years and have just decided to get married! Nico says he finally feels mature enough. And Ans wants a VERY SPECIAL MARRIAGE CEREMONY.. and she will get it! They have agreed that it would be Nico who invents the ceremony, all in secret, and Ans will be the one to know it last: on their marriage day.
Nico revealed to us that it would be a bicycle as their wedding vehicle. And they will definitely repeat Victor s experience from the cheese Market: a cheese carrier s one. Obviously, they are from the most famous DUTCH CHEESE TOWN!
The only bad thing is, we could not personally assist the wedding,even though we were invited. We were a bit TOO far away, in Lapland, but we felt spiritually present. I got the description and photos of the wedding¨, which contains ALSO AISHA AND VICTOR s CONTRIBUTION!!!

At the beginning there was the cheese... Alkmaar cheese market and Ans, like a queen, greeting the gathered crowds and tourists being carried by Nico, elegant in his wedding suit , while other cheese carrier, in his traditional gilda robe.. I think they look just fantastic! Well, Victor looks nice in that role, too. To compare, there goes Victor s foto as well!

Then, there was WATER... Holland is all about the canals. Here goes the young couple in a gondola, traversing the canals to the TOWN HALL to be wed...

This is the only TRADITIONAL part of the wedding... if it was not for the fact, that this very Town Hall is a working place of Nico!
And now comes the Aisha and Victor s contribution. Let s travel back to the past, to Riga,Latvia, where we were dancing and teaching before Holland, the beginning of June. During one of the excu
rsions around the old town, we discovered a curious sight. A bridge over the river, with the grate full of locks! As we approached, all of them had names and hearts on them. Then, we were explained by our guardian angel,Natalia, that newly wedded people put their lock on this bridge and throw the keys into the water! We loved the SYMBOLISM and we told Nico, just to be married, about it. Victor, a tricky Argentinean, was even tempting Nico with evil idea: keep a spare key, just in case!
There we have our couple, in a traditional Dutch rainy day, attaching a lock on a bridge... A whole ceremony, which needs to be done properly, with a lot of consciousness, in order to function...

The last, nostalgic look at the lock....

And action!

This is the only TRADITIONAL part of the wedding... if it was not for the fact, that this very Town Hall is a working place of Nico!
And now comes the Aisha and Victor s contribution. Let s travel back to the past, to Riga,Latvia, where we were dancing and teaching before Holland, the beginning of June. During one of the excu

There we have our couple, in a traditional Dutch rainy day, attaching a lock on a bridge... A whole ceremony, which needs to be done properly, with a lot of consciousness, in order to function...

The last, nostalgic look at the lock....

And action!
Away flies the key before Ans spots it submerging into the waters! THE BOND IS DONE, MAY THIS MARRIAGE LAST! ALL THE BEST, NICO AND ANS!
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