Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Son una pareja de checos-austriacos, de alrededor de 60 anos, muy buenos bailarines de tango y fanaticos de Buenos Aires, hasta ahi todo bien.
Pero la historia de Martin es densa: Nacio en lo que era Checoslovaquia en 1944. Su padre era un exitoso industrial textil, que en las primeras decadas del siglo XX la hizo grossa, diseno y construyo una fabrica con la que se hizo rico, vendiendo sus productos a toda Checoslovaquia y Austria. La ciudad donde se hizo una posicion es la misma en la que estamos ahora, de hecho en la misma casa donde Martin nacio, a 17 km. de la frontera checa-austriaca, en la ciudad de Jindrzchuv Hradec.
Es impronunciable, pero los alemanes que en una epoca la habitaron la llamaron Neustadt, que nada tiene que ver con Bernardo, sino que significa literalmente ciudad nueva.
La familia compro y se instalo en una casa enorme, mas bien un palacio, que habia sido iniciado en el siglo XVI, y fue creciendo y mejorando hasta el siglo XX, cuando una rica familia judia lo completo, transformandolo en un lujo infernal, en sus casi 3000 metros cuadrados de salones, comedores, habitaciones, dependencias de servicio, etc,etc,etc.
A esa rica familia judia el padre de Martin le compro el " rancho".
Cuando Martin nacio, la segunda guerra mundial ya estaba definida. Alemania era boleta, y los rusos se mandaron todo lo que pudieron para occidente, y de no ser por los aliados, terminaban en Portugal. Pero Checoslovaquia entro en la orbita de Moscu, y en 1948 el gobierno comunista tomo las riendas del poder.
Entonces, el partido expropio la fabrica y la casa de la familia. Martin tenia 4 anos, y su padre habia huido a Austria, tratando de llevarse a su mujer y a su hijo , pero la mujer insistio en quedarse para tramitar ante el gobierno la devolucion de sus bienes, simplemente no podia creer que su pais le arrebate casa y fabrica, era una idea imposible en ese tiempo.
Pues nada de eso sucedio, y la mujer y Martin no pudieron salir mas del pais, quedaron en la miseria, y el pequeno Martin, al crecer, siempre fue estigmatizado como un burgues peligroso al que habia que vigilar, por sus raices capitalistas!
Crecio y estudio ( no le dejaron estudiar oficialmente,siguio por su propia cuenta hasta conseguir su diploma), se recibio de ingeniero, pero no lo dejaban trabajar mas que en tareas del campo o de un simple albanil, pues sus "antecedentes" lo condenaban.
Asi paso el tiempo, conocio a Ivana (que paradoja de la vida-la hija de los altos funcionarios comunistas!) y se casaron, y en 1970, aprovechando el revuelo que habia en el pais desde la famosa Primavera de Praga, dos anos antes, huyo a Austria. Alli trabajo como ingeniero, tuvo una empresa constructora, y se hizo un clase media tipico, despues de yugarla 20 anos.
Cuando cayo el comunismo, en 1990 mas o menos, volvio a su ciudad, ahora el pais era libre y se llamaba Republica Checa, pertenecia a la Union Europea, y el creyo posible reclamar la devolucion de sus bienes. En ese mismo ano se suicida el hermano de Ivana, que como su padre tambien, creia en la idea de comunismo y no queria vivir en otro regimen!
Ja! De la fabrica no quedaba ni el recuerdo, los comunistas la fundieron y desmantelaron en pocos anos, porque la estupida economia dirigida desde Moscu le asigno a esa zona otras actividades, por supuesto deficitarias.
En la casa el partido habia puesto a vivir a 50 personas, que la dividieron en cuartuchos, la destrozaron, arrancaron para quemarlas las boiseries ( o como se escriba) se afanaron todos los metales valiosos, los marmoles, los muebles.
Sin mantenimiento, sin pinturas, sin plata ni dedicacion, todo se transformo a lo largo de los anos en una ruina decadente, al mas puro estilo de " La caida de la casa Usher".
Me recuerda cuando los "gorilas" en Argentina decian que los peronistas sacaban el parquet de las casas que el general les regalaba, y que pagaban todos los argentinos, of course, para hacer asado, y yo no lo podia creer. Pues aca si! Es asi y me recontra consta!
Estoy viviendo estos dias en esa misma casa. La habitacion es tan grande que puede bailar y entrenarse no solamente una pareja de tango, pero se podria organizar una milonga!
El colmo fue que el gobierno le devolvio la mitad de la casa, pues su madre se habia quedado en el pais, pero su padre se habia ido, entonces tuvo que comprar el 50 % de su propia casa! Y se la devolvieron hecha bosta.
Por suerte, Martin venia de 20 anos trabajando exitosamente en una economia cara, como la austriaca, y a los precios de la recien muerta Checoslovaquia, pudo comprarla. Pero ahi no terminaron los problemas, mas bien empezaron. Hacian falta millones para levantar ese desastre, y aparte de la guita el entusiasmo. Pues con 60 pirulos Martin puso lo uno y lo otro, ayudado por un credito que recien termino de pagar. Despues de todo ese parto, que aun no termino, empiezan a verse los resultados, un importante porcentaje del palacio esta restaurado, dividido y alquilado a empresas y particulares, con lo que empezo a entrar guita, luego de anos de poner y poner.
Todavia hay otra herencia del pasado comunista- hay 3 familias que aun viven con viejos contratos como inquilinos del palacio y es muy dificil sacarlos!!!
Pues las leyes van cambiando muy paulatinamente! El comunista empedernido que denuncio la madre del Martin en aquel entonces de 4 anos, que son " politicamente sospechosos", privandoles mas y mas de los derechos de ciudadanos, SIGUE VIVIENDO EN SU CASA CASI GRATIS!
Se supone que se completara el resto, y podran tener una vejez mas que tranquila. Luego de 40 anos de exilios, familias destrozadas, y robos oficializados, Martin e Ivana disfrutan de la vida, viajan muy seguido a los festivales de tango de toda Europa, y de rebote nos atienden de maravila y nos llevan y traen por todos lados.
Final feliz para una historia terrible.

Monday, July 23, 2007

AUSTRIA: primera estacion LINZ, por Victor

El domingo vinieron nomas nuestros alumnos Ivana y Martin a buscarnos con su conchetisima camioneta Opel Zafira. Tomamos algun vino mas en lo de Achim y Jana, nos despedimos de ellos y de PRAGA y salimos para Linz, Austria.
Este matrimonio de tangueros veteranos es checo, pero en los anos sesenta huyeron de lo que entonces era Checoslovaquia, para instalarse y hacer una nueva vida en "occidente", o sea Austria. Son muy buenos bailarines, y cada tanto viajan por Europa buscando las milongas y las clases de tango que les agradan.
Desde Praga a Linz hay mas o menos 250 km., de agradables paisajes ondulados. Ondulados cada vez mas, pues nos vamos acercando a los Alpes austriacos, aunque todavia no estamos en ellos.
Cae la noche a medida que nos acercamos a la frontera checa-austriaca, y el crepusculo dibuja de naranja el horizonte campestre, la primavera perfuma el aire de los bosques cada vez mas espesos, y el fresco de la noche es una tentacion para asomar el morro por la ventanilla, como esos perros que cuando les djan 5 cm. de ventanilla baja, asoman el hocico para sentir el golpe del aire en la cara.
A eso de medianoche llegamos a Linz (sobre el Danubio). Es una ciudad de 300000 habitantes, recostada, como dice el nombre, sobre el Danubio, con un parque industrial importante, tan es asi que tiene la tasa de desempleo mas baja de toda Austria.
Desde la altura de los modestos cerros que la rodean, se aprecia el paisaje nocturno de millones de luces, tal como ocurre en toda ciudad que tenga un mirador alto para observarla.
No es una ciudad extremadamente bella ( tampoco fea) y se vive con relativa calma. No tiene ni de lejos el caos de las mega ciudades. Todo parece transcurrir lenta y pacificamente, como las aguas del Danubio.
No lejos de aqui, esta el delicioso pueblito de Braunau am Inn, donde los ninos juegan despreocupadamente en las calles. Hace 120 anos, tambien habia ninos jugando alli, uno de ellos se llamaba Adolfo Hitler. El pequeno guanaco crecio alli, mas tarde vino a Linz para estudiar arte y arquitectura, hizo sapo y se fue a Alemania. Lo que sigue es conocido: buscavidas-soldado-politico-dictador demencial que cambio (para mal) la historia del mundo.
Cada tanto aparecen por ahi algunos retardados con la cabeza rapada, svasticas tatuadas y ropa de cuero negro que anoran melancolicamente al führer que palmo en 1945.
Tampoco lejos de aqui esta Graz, otra linda ciudadita alpina donde aparecio hace ya un tiempito una bestia del fisico culturismo, que recorrio la siguiente trayectoria: mister mundo- actor de peliculas imbeciles tipo Terminator- comediante mas que digno- politico-gobernador de California ( USA). Se llama Arnold Schwarzeneger, y la verdad es que debo reconocer que todo lo hizo bastante bien, por lo menos le fue mejor que a Adolfito.

Aca en Linz hemos dado clases a un reducido grupo de tangueros, pero de un nivel sorprendentemente alto. Todos son buenos! Que diferencia con Praga! Las clases son hiper intensas, bien pagas, y son muy buenas, tanto para los alumnos como para nosotros mismos, pues la exigencia es alta y nos obliga a esmerarnos.

Uno de los problemas que hay en estas giras es la comida, por lo menos para mi.

Resulta que yo debo pesar, para estar 10 puntos, no mas de 100 kg. Mi objetivo permanente es 99. Pues siempre estoy zarpado 5,6,7 kg. No es mucho, pero lo siento. Y lo que sucede es simple: todo el mundo nos invita a todo, nos ofrece lo mejor de cada sitio en comidas, vinos, cervezas, postres, licores, etc,etc,etc...
Le hinco el diente a todo, pero trato al menos de regularlo, porque las tentaciones son muchas, y permanentes. Aca estamos en Austria, donde Ivana cocina espectaculares recetas de la cocina checa y austriaca, con rios de cerveza, unos fiambres que no se pueden creer y pancitos variados con quesito, manteca, salsas de sabe Dios que, todo para engordar.
Los postres no son mi debilidad, prefiero mil veces una picada con cerveza a algo dulce, pero ella prepara un Strudel de manzana, con crema y helado, que te hace cambiar de idea, pero todo engorda, puta madre!

Una de las noches, un amigo de nuestros anfitriones, nuevo empresario enriquecido subitamente, nos invito a “ asado” en su casa, tremendo jardin donde alrededor de un fuego espectacular asamos y comimos diversos tipos de fiambres y carnes, todo rociado con vinos de aquellos. La noche estrellada y el aire de julio se combinaron de maravillas para zarparse un poquitin con la botella, que le vamos a hacer...
La cosa es que aca en esta ciudad de nombre imposible, estamos practicamente de cortas vacaciones, y nuestros anfitriones nos llevaron a pasear por tres increibles lugares de los alpes austriacos: Gmunden, Sant Wolfgang y Salzburgo. Cada uno de ellos llenos de maravillas naturales: las imponentes montanas, lagos cristalinos y frios, bosques infinitos, con una atmosfera similar a nuestra bella patagonia andina, solo que se ve mucho mas la mano del hombre, todo esta intervenido, “mejorado” por el trabajo humano.
Y hablando de mejorado, la ultima noche en Chequia nos invitaron a tomar la mitica cerveza Velvet, de manufactura local, 18 grados de alcohol ( el triple que lo normal), poco gas, cremosa y helada: una delicia suave y sabrosa. No se nota su grado de alcohol, lo que la hace bastante peligrosa.
Finalmente se acabaron los dias en Chequia, y de vuelta a Praga en la misma camioneta concheta que nos trajeron. Un dia en casa de Achim y Jana, donde como siempre somos bien recibidos y mejor atendidos, aproveche para cortar el pasto del parque porque me gusta hacerlo, nomas, y a la noche finalmente nos subimos al tren que nos llevaria, luego de 10 horas, a Varsovia.

PRAGA! por Victor

El avion de Sterling corretea por la pista del aeropuerto internacional de Copenhague, que es el puerto de entrada y salida para todo el sur de Suecia. Pues aunque esta en otro pais ( Dinamarca), esta a solo unos minutos de tren, y es mucho mas comodo que la lejana Estocolmo, capital de Suecia, 600 km. hacia el norte. Noventa minutos despues aterriza suavemente en una de las mas bellas ciudades de Europa, y quizas del mundo: Praga.
Esta es la cuarta vez que estamos en esta ciudad, y cada vez descubrimos nuevos rincones y nuevas vivencias. A pesar de la insoportable nube de turistas que la invaden en verano ( mencion especial para el enjambre de japoneses que gritan todo el dia, y sacan millones de fotos y videos con esas inentendibles camaras de ultima tecnologia, cada vez mas chiquitas y mas complicadas ) es una ciudad amable, ideal para la caminata, de escala humana.
Amamos Praga. Nuestros organizadores locales, Achim y Jana, son una hermosa pareja de abogados, checa ella y aleman el, con dos obsesiones: el golf y el tango.
Viven en una bellisima casa en Horoměřice, pequeno pueblo a 15 km. de Praga, ganadora de concursos de arquitectura, donde ya estuvimos alojados en otras oportunidades que trabajamos aqui. Esta vez, el alojamiento estaba organizado de la misma manera, pero al llegar, ya en el aeropuerto, Achim nos dice solemnemente, como pidiendo disculpas, que habia un cambio de planes: no podrian alojarnos con ellos, pues la casa estaba invadida por carpinteros y otros laburantes haciendo trabajos importantes de mantenimiento, y no se daban las condiciones minimas que ellos consideraban "dignas" para nosotros.
Nada dije yo, ya sentado en el terrible checonato de Achim, rumbo a la ciudad, y pensando las veces que dormimos en un colchon tirado por ahi, en condiciones mas que precarias. No se cuales son esas condiciones " dignas" que nuestros anfitriones pensaban.
Pero luego vino la solucion, al estilo impecable de Achim y Jana: Resulta que la empresa donde trabaja ella, como abogada, es una grossa financiera de proyectos comerciales e industriales. O sea, prestan guita para emprendimientos, luego de estudiarlos y establecer que esos proyectos son viables, mas o menos como cualquier banco. Uno de los clientes de la empresa es un hotel, de gran categoria, recien inaugurado, en el centro de Praga: el Majestic Plaza. Y ahi nos consiguieron una suite, por toda la semana, gratis.
Un lujo para turistas europeos o yanquis con mucha guita, pero sin poner un centavo, con un servicio espectacular. La unica condicion es que el viernes, cuando se inaugura el Bar del hotel, que se llama Havana Bar, nos contraten que les bailemos un par de tangos, cosa que aceptamos inmediatamente, por supuesto.

Se conoce a esta increible ciudad con varios apodos: la ciudad de las 100 cupulas, la ciudad dorada, la madre de todas las ciudades, la Paris del centro de Europa, etc.
Mozart, Beethoven , Dostojevskij y Aisha y Victor recorrieron sus calles, quedaron impactados de su belleza y rindieron su tributo a Praga.
Son inevitables, casi obligatorias, las visitas al Charles Bridge ( Karlov Most), al reloj astronomico, la Plaza Mayor, la ribera del Moldava, el castillo, etc. Pero todas esas excursiones, que avidamente hicimos en nuestra primera visita, ya no tienen el mismo valor. Siguen siendo igualmente bellas, pero la sensacion de la primera vez no es equiparable.

Las clases en Praga no son masivas. El nucleo tanguero es pequeno, sin grandes ambiciones de progreso, y para colmo con bastantes estudiantes, gente joven sin una moneda.( a valores de Europa, pobres no son) Gracias a dios, Praga atrae muchos extranjeros que quieren bailar y aprender tango aqui: teniamos entonces los alemanes de Berlin, los Austriacos, Suecos, Ingleses, Portugueses y eslovacos.
Igualmente los resultados economicos estan por debajo de las expectativas. No es que perdamos plata, por supuesto, pero no se puede comparar con Suecia u Holanda. Tambien tenemos unos shows, que ayudan a mejorar los ingresos. En resumidas cuentas, es muy agradable estar aqui, se gana para zafar, y en un par de dias ya estamos en otro pais. Desde ya que no se puede pretender que todas las semanas sean un exito economico fenomenal, eso es desconocer la realidad.
Y por muy bella que sea la ciudad, con el calor que hace ( extrano los frescos vernos suecos) no da para estar siempre en el centro. Entonces, Jan, un checo que probablemente es el mejor bailarin de aqui, nos invito a pasar el dia en una pileta, en las afueras de la ciudad, llamado DIVOKA SARKA. Realmente un bello lugar entre montanas bajas, con piscinas limpias y frescas, donde cualquiera puede pasar el dia por 2 euros, lo que aca es nada.
El complejo de piscinas tiene un inconfundible aspecto de la epoca comunista, de cuando el " partido pensaba en la felicidad del pueblo", pero ha sido adaptado con buen criterio y hos un lugar agradable y accesible. Lo mismo sucede con el lugar donde damos las clases. Es un enorme complejo de edificios, salones, gimnasios, areas administrativas, salas de baile, etc., que en checo se llama sokol, donde en la epoca del comunismo se practicaban todos los deportes gratis, con gran apoyo del estado. Hoy, todo eso esta rentado, pero sigue funcionando muy bien, por supuesto con las reglas de juego capitalista, en el estricto y nada peyorativo sentido de la palabra.
El sabado se acabo nuestro arreglo con el Majestic Plaza Hotel, y huimos a la carrera hacia la casa de nuestros amigos Achim y Jana, los de la casa en arreglos. Como era de esperar, los arreglos eran solo exteriores, con un par de andamios que a nadie jodian, asi que estuvimos alli como duques, pero solo un dia, pues al otro dia, domingo, despues un asado checo nos vinieron a buscar Ivana y Martin, otros alumnos checo-austriacos, para llevarnos a nuestro proximo destino: Austria.
Claro que antes usamos la pileta de Achim, y nos mandamos un asadete en el jardin, con unos vinos blancos alemanes que eran mas que respetables. Antes, la noche del sabado, dimos nuestro show en la Grebovka, la milonga al aire libre que organizan en verano Achim y Jana. Se hace en la terraza de un restaurant, ubicado en un bellisimo parque, al estilo Palermo. Ese restaurant esta en la cima de una loma, y la terraza esta cubierta por una glorieta exquisitamente construida en madera, con detalles realmente de muy buen gusto. Esa ubicacion permite disfrutar una panoramica de Praga de postal, y para colmo toco una noche perfecta, con luna incluida en el paisaje sobre las cupulas del perfil urbano de Praga, parecia una escenografia kitch de Versace. El show fue exitoso, salio muy bien y vino mucha gente. Como la recaudacion, una vez pagado el alquiler del lugar, era todo para nosotros, eso ha mejorado bastante el resultado economico de la etapa checa de la gira.
Al terminar el show, lo de siempre: varias personas se acercan a saludarte, felicitaciones, te piden fotos, bla,bla... Hasta ahi todo normal. Entonces se acerca un tipo, onda 35 anos, flaco, panuelo al cuello, boina, remerita ajustada, y con un inconfundible acento trolazo y me dice que le encanto, que bueno, etc, y que el era bailarin de danzas contemporaneas y latinoamericanas,y que queria tomar una clase privada al otro dia. OK, coordinamos con la gringa un horario, y por 80 euros me banco al trolin ese una hora. Al otro dia, una hora antes de la clase llama por telefono y dice lloriqueando que se habia levantado con 40 grados de fiebre y que no podria tomar la clase. Me acorde del dicho popular: " Caliente como puto con fiebre". Senti un alivio, lo confieso, y aunque nos perdimos los 80 euros, me sirvio para disfrutar el domingo en paz, con pileta, corrida por el bosque, y asadito.
Despues me entere que el balin queria aprender lo basico del tango para bailarlo en su boda, que era 30 dias mas tarde, pero la boda era con un chabon! Si me vieran en el arrabal! Me retiran el saludo.

Sunday, July 22, 2007


Hello Aisha and Victor!

I was just looking at your blog (and readings parts of it). Impressing! It´s like whole book. Maybe you will create one later (a book). Anyway you have the possibility - you have a lot of material, a deep well/source to pour from.

I see that you have come to Linz in Austria. I hope you enjoy it. But you seem to be happy everywhere. You create good vibrations and nice feelings around you!

When should you be in Croatia? Probably I haven't time to go there, but just in case it could be good to know. In the first place I am aiming at BA on the second part of October. But before that I have to go to Valencia/Cullera in September.
Tomorrow I will go to Simrishamn on the eastcoast in Skåne. There is an open air milonga every Tuesday during the summer.

Have a nice time in Austria and Croatia!
A big hug from
Leif and Birgitta

Mis Queridos Aisha y Víctor:
Ya saben que los envídio y que me encantaría "plancharles la ropa en las giras".
El próximo lunes 23 yo grabo mi programa a las doce de la noche del lunes (hora de Europa) Es posible que hagamos una comunicación a un teléfono fijo?Mándenme el número y arreglamos.Bueno, un abrazo

querida aisha,
muitas saudades de vocÊ, hoje é o dia do amigo aqui em buenos aires, por isso te mando minhas melhores vibrações como sempre. faz 4 dias que cheguei nesta cidade maravilhosa,depois de estar muito unida com meus irmãos , avós, toda a família.
que legal que vc está em praga, mais uma cidade maravilhosa dessa louca europa. imagino que vc e victor devem estar "arrebentando" pela europa. entrei no blog de vcs e está maravilhoso.
não se preocupe com o seu português, continua escrevendo divinamente, a prática te coloco "na roda" te apresentando a outras amigas brasileiríssimas daqui.como disse no email de ontem "xa comigo".
querida amiga, te mando um beijo enorme, saudoso, único.
que continue brilhando sempre com a sua luz tão intensa
melhores saludos para victor também e o seu simpático irmão,lezeck.

Vacaciones en los alpes, que maravilla, quien te ha visto y quien te ve, a caray, bueno a seguir en el disfrute, que risa con el "trolo" que quería clases de tango,,,,,,,,juas juas,,
La casa ya esta ocupada, estamos todos con los chicos, y es un griterío continuo, muy alegre, el nene de al lado, viene seguido, para el es una maravilla encontrarse con esto.
yo también estoy de vacaciones.............sin alpes.......y con mas cocina...........

la tía.

Witaj,dzieki za wyczerpujaca odpowiedz. .Przyznaje ze potrafisz tanczyc, podobaja mi sie Twoje ruchy ciala, Twoje cialo w tancu to wspolnota, harmonia - nie kazdy tak potrafi.
Jak patrze jak tanczysz - to tak jakbym patrzyl na zachod slonca a moze lepiej na wschod przy ktorym czujesz cieplo , to sa takie wibracje wibrujace wokol wibrujacego juz ciala, wkrecajace ochote do zycia. Smieje sie.
Znalazlem Was w Youtube z Malmo zdaje sie niesamowita jestes. Pozdrawiam serdecznie i obserwuje dalej YouTube-a.Marek

Hola chicos.
donde voy a estar? aqui trbajando como un negro no como otros que se pasean por el mundo con u n corte y una quebrada. Diganle a jana que yo tambien me acuerdo de ella pero no coincidimos por lo menos en cuanto a geografia ,yo estare todo noviembre en argentina y ellos en diciembre asi no hay ni puede haber grandes amores,podrian venir unos dias a ibiza cuando ustedes vengan asi comer un asado multitudinario,y si no aceptar que los mejores encuentros son los que nunca se producen.Igual denle un beso grande de mi parte.
Este domingo estere en lo de ana comiendo con otras gentes.
Hasta pronto tengo ganas de verlos

It's great to hear u r in Europe again! We r always busy with the studios and the gallery at the back of the new studios and are planning to buy our tickets for Buenos Aires in December for 2 months!!! We have a page on my space site www.myspace.com/lacatedralstudios if u wish to have a look at the pictures of our studios and events etc. Keep well and keep enjoying life and tango!!!Buenos Aires here we come!
Lozzzzz luv from Dublin
Dear A,Thank u so much for yr super kind offer! Unfortunately we have time constraints, that's why we have to chose the worst months (December and january). All the rest of the year is very busy in the studios and we cannot leave! Today I'm going to call the agency to book from 25th November to 10th February!!!!!!!! tha plan is to stay a full month in Buenos and leave soon after Xmas for Brazil to visit a friend who owns a posada! Than we'd like to come back to Argentina and visit Patagonia, Mendoza and a village near Salta (where the rock formations are). This is the backbone of our plan bur we may change things if we need to. Anyway I'm happy u r going to be in Buenos Aires in December so I'll be able to meet u and maybe take some classes in yr beautiful patio!!!

Hey, u r fab! Have booked tickets on 25th november, arriving on 26th november in Buenos & leaving Buenos on 10th february! The world will be at our feet! I hope I can do some travelling with u, that would be a dream come true!!!!
Let's keep in touch and let me have news of yr wonderful tango journeys, that makes me dream a lot!!
Loads of hugs
You r a star! let me have a chat with Costanzo and see what he thinks.
Hola querida!!Thanx for this much precious information. I love theidea of independence and this self containedapartament sounds just lovely!

Ha lluvido un monton ayer asi que ya esta bien de agua por el redto del verano. Ahora sale el sol asi que quizas mejora manana. Dicen que la gente se muere de calor en Rumania y Bulgaria y en algubnos sitiot en Austria. Ten cuidado por favor y TOMA MUCHO AGUA !!!
Un beso grande y pasalo bien y si es verdad que ya nesesitais vaccaciones.

Dear Aisha & Victor!
Got an order fromSt Petersburg also which I have to work with. Still took some tangosteps this morning in the "fikaservering"coffeehouse where we exercised. I will try to make it a habit to do so.I have fixed the invoicing addresses to Inger and hope they will pay you soonest.We are still having a dull weather, tomorrow will be sun!
Again! Thank you very much for your presence both as persons (see Idon´t forget!) and as instructors. I still remember how much you tried the last day to teach me that special turn! i think I am getting it now!Big hug!Jan
Dear Aisha and Victor! Sorry for late answer! Been working hard in tannery!
But also had some practice with Catrin wednesday night, looking at the video Lars shot in Sollefteå! Very good and instructive!
See below!

Dear Aisha & Victor!
Thanks for mail and THANKS A LOT FOR PRAISING WORDS FOR NORRLAND TANGO!Maybe we will be overpopulated now in Piteå, anyhow we will plan foryour next visit in the boardmeeting we will hold on mon 30th!
I also remember that you will be near Sweden beginning of April?We will also recommend you as teachers on our website and probably sendthat to you so you can insert it on your blogs!
Had a cup of coffee with Bror yesterday, he has met anargentinian(Buenos Aires!) guy in Luleå, will open a restaurant, he is amusician and plays tango! His father is evidently a rather famoustangomusician in Buenos Aires. Bror will tell you his name!Hope you are having a wonderful time there in Bohemia!
Kram = hug from Jan and Inger!

Que lindas vacaciones la de uds.! Los felicito! Espero que sigan disfrutandoy viviendo todo esto que lo tienen requte merecido. Les mando un besogrande!

chère Aisha

I will be in Bs As between 3/10 to 3/12 but I will tray to come seeing you before in Switzerland or Sweden I will see.
Tell me where in Switzerland and ÖLAND ISLAND?
You sent me a lovely picture of Victor and his harem ou la la ou la la , He is lucky man .
Have a nice time
Biz à vous 2

How are you and where are you( Flying birds)?
As my concern I’m fine , I arrived home from Barcelona last Monday and I have been just one Milonga at Sitges because I preferred to visit Barcelona and spend nice time with my Spanish Friends .
I tray to come seeing you in Sweden and I want to know where you will bee there from 7 to 11 of September? To book hotel near the Milonga
Hugs and kisses to you both

E bom que voce gosta das photos do absinte :) Eu tambem gosto dos photos...muito bonitas, e voce e muito linda e maigra :) (slim :D )Tambem gosto da photo com Cervena Lhota, e a photo com Iva e Martin Lukshalovi :)
Vou visitar o seu blog.E seu web page eu ja visitei... e bom demais... e eu ja viu video! :) nossa! voces sao melhores!
Beijos Maja

oi aishinha,
desculpa a demora pra responder, mas eu só entrei hoje no computador. eu entrei no blog de vcs, muito legal, maravilhoso, fiquei super emocionada de ver a o email que te mandei no blog. amiga, pra mim é uma honra que vc tenha colocado no blog. comecei a dar aulas por isso o tempo anda meio curto, também ando fazendo uns trâmites. decidi vender o meu apto de santos e já começo dar uma procurada em imóveis por aqui. barbáro, né?. resolvi adotar de verdade esta terra.rs,rs, que incrível vc ter conhecido outra amiga que mora no brasil, o que mais me surpreendeu é que ela aprendeu português em 5 meses. vcs são muito especiais mesmo.
aisha, o frio daqui não dá trégua, vem e volta cada vez mais forte. tô aproveitando e vendo muitos dvs, ontem vi um de bergman,em homenagem ao seu falecimento, muito interessante.depois de um cineasta chines, wan .... ...acho que ...ken, também interesantíssimo e por último primavera, verão, outono, inverno,primavera, esse "arrebentou a boca do balão", ....divino.
legal saber que vcs foram viajar todos os irmãos juntos. que gostoso!.
adorei a notícia que vc vai chegar antes do previsto. legal, a minha vizinha polaca brasileira vai estar aqui de novo logo, logo. as velhas caipirinhas vão estar esperando por vc. "o estoque precisa ser reposto, mas ´pra sua chegada já garanti.
bem amiga, é isso aí, tô indo pra academia malhar um pouco. beijinhos saudosos

Como siempre me encuentro embelezado por tus cronicas.
Por suerte encontre el momento para leerlas detenidamente y definitivamente cumplis con mis expectativas.
Me llama la atencion una cosa: como logras captar tanta y buena informacion a partir de distintos idiomas que es iposible dominar y luego podes volcarlo con tanta precision de datos. Lo de la historia de la pareja de checos es espectacular en ese sentido.
Gracias mil y segui disfrutando y manteniendo esa mirada de las cosas, mezcla de comprension de culturas traducidas a la nuestra (bah... lo que queda de "la nuestra" a costa de "la nueva" que hemos sabido adquirir....)
Abrazo y mas merde
Victor, este comentario lo publicó Ricardo Tomaselli en la Página y me pidió te lo hiciera llegar.Un abrazo.

Hola chicos, estuve siguiendo vuestros pasos por el lejano este, como el envidiado norte (por el frío no por el pescado) y viendo el programa que aparentemente termina en austria, pensé que no pasarían por acá, así que nos pusimos tristes, ahora si pueden darse una vuelta sería fantástico, nosotros nos vamos para arg. el sábado 22 de septiembre y estaremos hasta el 26 de octubre, ah otra cosa cuando leí el blog del pescado podrido pensé pobre victor, una idea al respecto es que cuando te ofrezcan probar cualquier cosa que de entrada te resulte sospechosa, digas que sos alérgico, si después te parece copado podés arreglarlo sobre el pucho diciendo que preparado así no lo probaste y que quizá no te haga mal. Bueno como siempre los esperamos con los brazos abiertos cuando quieran . Besos y abrazos de grachu y míos. julio

Que fantástico todo lo que va pasando, y que bueno es poder leer vuestros "chamuyos" (a veces con la sensación que de que es uno mismo el que lo esta pasando, pues sois claros , (claro que entiendo mas los de víctor, aun me cuesta leer el ingles, pero algo voy pescando de los de Agnieska), que buena descripciones Víctor!! , lo del pescado podrido que leí hace unas semanas, me dejo pensando, los que te lo ofrecieron no leerán tus notas??, porque a lo mejor se ofenden, pero imagino que no sabrán castellano, en todo caso, me mato de la risa , también me encanta pues nos das historia, así como lo cuentas esta mas claro que descifrando los diarios o libros. Ayer fui a la clausura del festival gay (que otros años fui jurado)y vi la película, "go west" . El conflicto de Serbia, hace 15 años, narrado por un gay, mostrando las matanzas de musulmanes, o croatas, o al revés según a quien enfocaran, las barbaridades son indescriptibles, peor que los nazis o igual, (y son solo 15 años) a la miseria que se traslada el ser Humano por el miedo, no se pueda creer que podamos ser tan malditos. Y por los pequeños puntos de luz que podían abrir los "artistas", la belleza, el arte, siempre será un punto mas cercano al corazón del humano y alejado de la barbaridad y la ignorancia, siempre que no se caiga en el ego.
Y con la película aun fresca y vosotros bailando el tango, o sea llevando algo bello a esos lugares, me dio un "mírame los pelos de los brazos"(como diría Teresa).
Espero que nunca caigas en la frialdad del poder y estéis siempre dispuestos a compartir en cualquier medio vuestro arte, es casi lo único que podemos hacer por nuestros hermanos, dar cariño de diferentes formas. cariño la tía.

Sitting in Stockholm with a nice laptop in my lap! An Apple of course,a little white Macbook!Just seen a program in reprise, about a journey to Buenos Aires,having tangolesson (very basic!)Seen it before, even recorded it, I´ll show it to you next time youare in Sollefteå!Having a white week, with no beer and no tango (just to long for it alittle more!)/SvenE

Hóla mis amigos!
Ya basta! Ya he tenido mis dias sola y "tranquila" en mi casa! Os extraño y esta vacio y demasiado calladito y ademas ya me aburre mi cama grande asi que me heche la siesta en mi camita a bajo.
Como estas? Va todo bien? Habeis tenido suerte con los workshops? Bueno, ya me contaras.
La verdad es que no he tenido mucho tiempo para aburrirme en casa.

Nada mas queria saber, si esta todo bien y decir que si es cierto que esta demasiado tranquilo en casa. Falta algo......
Toma un abrazo fuerte y pasalo bien.

Mis Queridos Aisha y Víctor:

Com siempre, los envidio y me alegra que puedan disfrutar de estos viajes y sobre todo de lo maravilloso que es viajar trabajando.
Les cuento que el lunes 11, aq las 19,00 (hora argentina - 00,00 del martes hoira europea) grabo el programa que sale al aire el sábado 16.
Quisiera saber si a esa hora, 00,00 del martes 12, los puedo econtrar en un teléfono fijo para llamarlos.
Bueno, si es así, será nuevamente un placer charlar con Ustedes.
Y como siempre, caraduramente les pido que todos los tangos que puedan conseguirme serán muy bienvenidos.

Un fuerte abrazo


I just remembered that your birthday is a day before mine (I'm twenty now :) which means that it passed already.
Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I wish you to stay young and beautiful inside and outside and always have this energising effect you have on people. You're magical...I'm happy I know you :)
Lots of love,
hugs to you and Victor.

Your twentysomething friend.



Hola Aisha y Victor!!
Me alegro mucho que lo esten pasando muy bien.
Todavia los pienso cada vez que me voy a casa y los estraño un montón.

Están en Malmö el viernes?
Estoy tratando de ver todas las posiblilidades. Como ven.
Veremos si hay un poquito de tiempo para que Bill pueda tomar su leccion privada. Estamos de acuerdo como tu dujiste de una hora y media en vez de una hora. Además tu me dijiste antes de la primera lección el domingo. Bueno corazones.
Espero esten fantasticamente bien y pronto nos veamos.

Hello dear Aisha and Victor!

Welcome back to the south. We have been preparing for your stay here during the weekend. We have been working with the flat for almost two weeks now. You will stay in a very nice room. Unfortunately we aren't ready yet (we thought you should arrive on Friday). It is still a real mess in the flat. But we are working on it! Right now it will be uncomfortable for you to live here, but of course we will find a solution if we need to.

Please, call or visit us when you have arrived. I will talk to Birgitta about the classes. I will take some classes and I presume that Birgitta will join me. I will talk to her about it this afternoon and register us today.
See you soon!

Hola A & V !
Qué tal?
Yo muy bien pero muy triste porque no estáis aquí.
Me siento muy sola sin vuestra compania.
Espero que vosotros tambien lo hayais pasado un poco bien.
Como va el trabajo?

Yo pienso que de todas formas nos tenemos que encontrar en Malmö. Yo les comenté que nostros vamos a bailar en un parque el dia sábado a las 1900 horas
Dormiremos aquí y al dia siguiente nos iremos temprano para verlos.
Como Bill cumpleaños tres días más tarde, se me ocurre que él solo con vosotros puede tomar una leccion de tecnica con vosotros.
Pienso que yo se lo daría como regalo de cumple.
Cuanto me costáría a precio de amigos.
Tendréis tiempo antes de comenzar vuestra leccion?
Nosotros podemos arreglar el local y despues los seguimos a Camarín

Dos besos


Hello there!I can see, before my eyes, you dancing the vals to a a tune by EmilWaldteufel performed by Francisco Canaro at a show, somewhere iAustria. A perfect cultural combination!Have a good time and welcome back to the tranquility of the deepforests!/SvenE

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


The relationship between us and our tango student is not a formal one. I mean, it is not strictly maestro-student relationship. People are people, and we create more or less bonds with everybody. There are however students, with whom we develop friendships beyond tango. And there are those, whom we meet every year and it feels like visiting family. There are also obviously those, whose faces we do not remember, but the majority of them we can at least recognize as our students and even tell from which place in the world... It is sometimes a game we play when we meet them accidentally in a milonga in Buenos Aires...
But here and now I want to talk about OUR SPECIAL STUDENTS, those who share with us more that just tango. There are unforgettable encounters, may they last only a couple of day....

The order is arbitrary. I will start with NICO AND ANS, a couple from Alkmaar, Holland, just because their story is a very fresh one and we are still deeply touched by it!
I have written about them in the ALKMAAR chapter by Aisha, thery were our guides and hosts in a Tango Festival in Alkmaar. But from the first moment we met, we knew they are not just regular people. They are a couple which is not influenced by age- more: being with them is like being with the teenagers! Nico is a politician, not only because he genuinely believes he can change the world - we are still recording his shocking idea about a country named Europe with one government- he is , in fact, an idealist, but also because of his ACTING ABILITES. Nico could be a comedian, an actor or definitely an artist of some kind. Ans is a woman with a body of a teenager. She is a special teacher, but an artist as a person. It is enough to see their house and their artistic romantic attics. Nico and Ans have a double life: a Dutch life and a French life. They have enough energy for may more lives, but they also need to escape from the Dutch weather and fill themselves with sunshine, wine and French country life. Therefore their house in Bourgogne will be a destiny we want to reach one day....
What is so special about this extraordinary couple?
They have been living together for 25 years and have just decided to get married! Nico says he finally feels mature enough. And Ans wants a VERY SPECIAL MARRIAGE CEREMONY.. and she will get it! They have agreed that it would be Nico who invents the ceremony, all in secret, and Ans will be the one to know it last: on their marriage day.
Nico revealed to us that it would be a bicycle as their wedding vehicle. And they will definitely repeat Victor s experience from the cheese Market: a cheese carrier s one. Obviously, they are from the most famous DUTCH CHEESE TOWN!
The only bad thing is, we could not personally assist the wedding,even though we were invited. We were a bit TOO far away, in Lapland, but we felt spiritually present. I got the description and photos of the wedding¨, which contains ALSO AISHA AND VICTOR s CONTRIBUTION!!!

At the beginning there was the cheese... Alkmaar cheese market and Ans, like a queen, greeting the gathered crowds and tourists being carried by Nico, elegant in his wedding suit , while other cheese carrier, in his traditional gilda robe.. I think they look just fantastic! Well, Victor looks nice in that role, too. To compare, there goes Victor s foto as well!

Then, there was WATER... Holland is all about the canals. Here goes the young couple in a gondola, traversing the canals to the TOWN HALL to be wed...

This is the only TRADITIONAL part of the wedding... if it was not for the fact, that this very Town Hall is a working place of Nico!

And now comes the Aisha and Victor s contribution. Let s travel back to the past, to Riga,Latvia, where we were dancing and teaching before Holland, the beginning of June. During one of the excursions around the old town, we discovered a curious sight. A bridge over the river, with the grate full of locks! As we approached, all of them had names and hearts on them. Then, we were explained by our guardian angel,Natalia, that newly wedded people put their lock on this bridge and throw the keys into the water! We loved the SYMBOLISM and we told Nico, just to be married, about it. Victor, a tricky Argentinean, was even tempting Nico with evil idea: keep a spare key, just in case!
There we have our couple, in a traditional Dutch rainy day, attaching a lock on a bridge... A whole ceremony, which needs to be done properly, with a lot of consciousness, in order to function...

The last, nostalgic look at the lock....

And action!

Away flies the key before Ans spots it submerging into the waters! THE BOND IS DONE, MAY THIS MARRIAGE LAST! ALL THE BEST, NICO AND ANS!



- houbová polévka ( polévka means soup, and this one is a cabbage soup)
-svíčková s knedlíky ( you have to see and taste to know what I am talking about!)
-květáková polévka ( vegetable soup)
-bramborák ( potato pancakes)
-knedlo-zelo-vepřo (veprová pečeně se zelím a knedlíkem)
-štrůdl (jablečný závin)
-švestkový koláč


Tuesday, July 17, 2007


You air that serves me with breath to speak!
You objects that call from diffusion my meanings, and give them shape!
You light that wraps me and all things in delicate equable showers!
You paths worn in the irregular hollows by the roadsides!
I think you are latent with unseen existences—you are so dear to me.

You flagg’d walks of the cities! you strong curbs at the edges!
You ferries! you planks and posts of wharves! you timber-lined sides! you distant ships!
You rows of houses! you window-pierc’d façades! you roofs!
You porches and entrances! you copings and iron guards!
You windows whose transparent shells might expose so much!
You doors and ascending steps! you arches!
You gray stones of interminable pavements! you trodden crossings!
From all that has been near you, I believe you have imparted to yourselves, and now would impart the same secretly to me;
From the living and the dead I think you have peopled your impassive surfaces, and the spirits
thereof would be evident and amicable with me.

Change of country, change of climate, change of food, change of bed, change of tango family...
We have arrived to Europe! As we have discussed on our good bye barbecue party, Sweden is not Europe for us, it is a separate continent, with its own way of life. SWEDES- IT IS A COMPLEMENT!!!

Only now we got to Europe. Not without some adrenaline at the airport, as the Danish assistant dispatching our luggage was not lenient on our 15 kg overweight and we were not flexible to pay for that. The result: 3 times unpacking and putting more and more kg to our anyway overweight hand luggage.. Normally I use my persuasion smile nr 5, but Danish are specially trained NOT to fall for it. Finally, we got it our way and dispatched the very thin suitcases , taking away and camouflaging our oversized hand luggage. Conclusions: Airlines got crazy: some of them allow ONLY 15 kg of luggage! Can you travel 6 months in Europe carrying 15 kg of your personal stuff, including tango shoes and cloth- we can by all means! But this means the end to Aisha Tango Fashion Shows and bringing tango shoes for our students. We are encouraged to travel light!

Our new house for PRAGA TANGO WEEK is HOTEL MAJESTIC PLAZA , recently inaugurated, situated in the very heart of the Old Town by Vaclavské Namesti. Moreover, we are contracted with our tango for a Inauguration Gala Show, opening a Havana Club, on Friday. What Havana has to do with Argentinean tango, we do not now. And we do not care either: they will get a tango show, for we are already inspired by the interior design of the hotel and by being back in Prague!

The hotel is newly restored and apart from very modern looks has a romantic touch: old wooden beams and skylights in its attic rooms. We always appreciate the charming details in our temporary European houses...

We like the business centre too, with its super fast computers- very important for the tango dancers! As important as a rehearsal room, with a perfect dance floor, available for us any time. As for Victor, he will indulge in his favourite Czech breakfast menu we know from last year s stay in Elite Hotel: scrambled eggs! Yes, he is a very unpretentious dancer...
Today, Tuesday,after being brought up from the airport by our friend and organiser Achim, we can FINALLY GIVE IN TO OUR FAVOURITE HABIT: A SIESTA! Achim means GERMAN ORGANISATION, so we are quite relaxed, everything will be taken care of in a professional kind of way. In case of doubts: Achim is German and a lawyer!

The windows and skylights were closed and we put NO DISTURB sign on our room. 430 for those who want to surprise us- not in siesta time though...
We have to be fit and ready at 8 30 pm for the WELCOME BACK DINNER party in a traditional Czek restaurant, followed by a MILONGA, ZLATA LYRA.

The change of climate signifies that from the Swedish Summer, which has finished today with our departure, we fell into a Prague Summer, 31 degrees! It is more Argentinean than Prague Summer, Achim said! He explained that yesterday a record was beaten: 37 degrees, a temperature not felt for the last half a century!
Now, our organisers are preoccupied HOW WOULD WE DANCE IN SUCH A SAUNA... We are not worried though, we know about Swedish Saunas, Russian Saunas and Argentinean Sauna in January...But we will miss a gentle breeze of the Swedish Summer...


Tuesday night.It was almost a Buenos Aires night- everything except of humidity.
The Koga restaurant has a beautiful inner garden with platano trees, under which we hoped to be cooler. We wished there had been fans outside to relieve us from the stagnant sticky air. Achim s solution was immediate: Tanzberg WHITE CHARDONEY, with ice and more ice and more Chardonay, changing from Czech to Italian ones. Talking about Buenos Aires in December and January made us feel hotter.

The best, however, was a night walk through the Old Town of Prague, to Zlata Lyra milonga. The charm of this city does not need any publicity nor descriptions: those who have been here- know, those who have not visit Prague- have heard about its beauty. This beauty is magnified in the summer nights. All illuminated, like a MAGIC LANTERN!

Then, entering Zlata Lyra was like entering THE HELL! Abandon all those hope those who enter there... the sign at the doors was missing.

Zlota Lyra has a reputation of being a hot milonga, the air does not move there, air conditioning is absent or not sufficient. BUT THAT DAY it was a real hell! After one dance, not even a tanda, you were quite wet. The dance floor was sticky and enormous amounts of CZECH BEERS have to be drunk in order to appease the thirst.

But the good thing is, that our CZECH TANGO FAMILY WAS THERE! It is our FORTH time in Prague and our bonds with many of our students are profound. Achim and Jana accompanied us, but there was our good old Pepa, Bianca, Pavlik,Jan- our first organiser,Marek, Jaurosh Radka even Karel, came from Zurich, like every year, to participate in our tango event... All the familiar lovely faces!

On the foto: Aisha with her Prague fan club consisiting of the most faithful dancers and students there...Pepa missing!

And there is no encounter without tango- we DID GET WET, and we DID drink tons of BEER- which is very bad for the dancers, and we talked and talked and talked.... till the midnight, a right EUROPEAN DARK MIDNIGHT took us back to the hotel. Another lovely night walk through the MAGIC CITY OF PRAGUE.

Tomorrow we have the time to explore the city before the workshops and milonga.


Wednesday. Temperature: 32 degrees.Our City Walk proved that we DO NOT WANT TO FEEL LIKE TOURISTS in our Prague.. Being a part of the tourist crowd in Staromeske Radnice, Town square, is irritating and tiresome trying to elbow our way throuh the crowd, traversing the Karlov Most, not seeing it even as it is covered by people is not our cup of tea, not finding a place to sit down over beer in Vaclavske Namesti ist a final straw.. After a couple of hours of recognition tour we have decided to visit the city only during the night ... We know Prague after our 3 previous visits and we are not doomed to the compulsory sightseeing...

Thursday.Another hot day.

Next day s idea was far more original. As the weather was summery Argentinean, still over 30 degrees, Jan has invited us to DIVOKA ŠARKA, a very special landscape, wild nature with canyons between high rocks and river running through it... with a place to have a swim, take the sun and ... a beer or two. We have immediately accepted! It mean travelling outside of Prague, where no tourists go and have some lazy, relax hours in the middle of the nature! But what we saw, was far more that expected! Jan confessed us, that he did not want to reveal the whole of a secret in order to surprise us! The landscape was idyllic, dramatic, the beer was cold and soothing, the water chilly, but the sun compensated for it, nice company....

We came back to Prague, nicely tired to have a late siesta.

And that evening we performed at Jam s Milonga. IT WAS LIKE DANCING IN A SOUP!!!

Friday, Prague, the temperature 33 degrees...

It is not only our workshop day in a post-communist sport complex ballroom, of course without air conditioning... but also tango show in the newly opened Havana Club in our MAJESTIC PLAZA HOTEL. The underground club turned out to have the same deficiency as the workshop place: unsufficient air conditioning for a gathered crowd... To the soupy air in the romantic golden lit interior of the modern decor, we had to endure the asphalt-like dance floor and the space of less than 4 square meters- with people standing around! As the result I got a souvenir I still carry: a big blue bruise from a voleo which made my foot hit against the lamp post.... Anyway, the people were enthusiastic about our performance and we got a proposal to come back for the oficial opening of the hotel in October...



Prague, te temperature ' has dropped down ' to 30 degrees. Feels cooler.

Not during yoga and tango classes though...

Taken by Achim & Jana for the afternoon short siesta had a pleasure to swimm in their splendid swimming pool!

The marathon continued after half an hour siesta: back to Prague, for the peak point of our stay: Grebovka milonga show.

Grebovka is a winery and restaurant, a wanderful structure of wooden embroidery situated on the hill covered by grapes. The view from the dance floor is breathtaking: you have Prague at your feet! The best kind of Prague, magicaly nocturnaly illuminated. This is our stage and background for tonight. The air seems cooler, really a perfect night!

Our faithful students and friends are there,as well as many foreigners seduced by the magic of Prague and the fame of Grebovka. It is just perfect! The magic ambience inspires us and we dance for us and for them...
Martin & Ivanka came from Austria to share those moments with us, too. They will take us with them to Austria next day. We have congratulations and kisses and requests for private classes. Alwas a post-effect of the show. No way. Next day, Sunday, is a social day in Achim and Jana' s residence, with czech asado, wine and good company....


Nice to come back to the beautiful, comfortable residence after a long, busy and hot day. It was a hard day' s night.. And there, together with Achim and Jana and our students from Berlin and Venice, Italy, we can make a toast with a tradicional vodka: slivovice! Jana is prepared for other varieties of vodka and ice-cream accompanying.. Chatting till the voice of reason sends us to bed... Agreeable tiredness of a well completed mission.


A 250 km separating Prague from Linz, Austria, by land, is for us conclusion and reflexion time. Revision and summary. What is happening to tango in Prague?

Is it a poppy syndrom I have studied as a phenomena in Australia, affecting Prague dancers? Poppy syndrom means ALL EQUAL, ALL THE SAME. The poppies which grow higher, will be cut , to equalize down. This is what is happening to the post-communist czech community. Being different, or being OUTSTANDING is NOT DESIRABLE. All were ment to be the same. And they still follow the pattern. This opinion was confirmed to us by one of the Prague inhabitants and we can observe it in a tango world. NO progress visible. Stagnation and the equalization down. Do not want to dress different, dance different/better, progress is a sin. You want to hide in the mass. Very sad and discouraging.

PRAGUE, therefore, in Aisha & Victor TANGO GUINNESS BOOK, is nr 1 in NO PROGRESS DURING OUR 4 consecutive visits, or THE LEAST PROGRESS in EUROPE! Majority managed to stay at the same level they were 4 years ago... It is a kind of achievement, not easy at all!

Why? Tango dancers in Prague like the SOCIAL PART of tango: it brings people together to have a good time, chat and drink beer. We like the social part of it too, and we have good time socializing with our czech students, but our funcion of tango maestros is therefore unfulfilled...

We place Prague, anyway, as ONE OF OUR FAVOURITE EUROPEAN FAMILIES, they get high points for TANGO FAMILY BONDS. Not only we feel at home and receive the warmest welcome every time we come, but friendship and solidarity is a bond among themselves. If you are a not especially atractive older woman you go to Prague and the young dancers will definitely ask you to dance. This is a high contrast to the tango community in Warsaw, for example.

It only proves, that our dear czech students do not have a passion for tango. The tango stricken people want to get more of it and best of it. They have a desire to progress to develop their tango skills. If you have touched the skies, that is, had a moment of extasy in tango, you would want to have more.Are czech people passionate people at all? I will not express my personal opinion, but send you to read Milan Kundera books for an answer ( " Unbearable lightness of being" ," The joke" " The immortality" etc).

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Skåne has welcomed us with the wonderful Swedish Summer. Or, maybe, we have brought the sun from the North to the south. Let us put it that way: the sun is following us, as simple as that! In some way we might deserve it.! So, our Skåne students and friends were taking advantage of the summer days: we were expected to have some rest after the intense week in Norrland, but.. it turned out it was a tango party marathon!
It started on Wednesday, just after our arrival. We could not refuse to give a performance in the BEST, MOST BEAUTIFUL MILONGA IN MALMÖ, a fresh new one, in ' Club Carlitos'. A milonga like that has never existed in Malmö, and apart from that it is run by our very talented and beautiful student and friend, Alexandra( she deserves a separate chapter in the blog with photos included!).

Here we go: Three Graces. You guess Who is Who on this photo. Merely CELEBRITIES and VIPS of tango. The three women who made that night turn round. I say it!

The milonga was full of surprises and unexpected encounters. We met our friend Helen, la Vikinga, whom we know from Buenos Aires ( organiser of a milonga Bien Pulenta). We have immediately arranged for a more intimate reunion around a Swedish barbecue ( the sun was ordered as well) the following Sunday.Here goes Victor with three favourite GRINGAS!
Alexandra's milonga was also frequented by tangueros from other towns. Helsinborg was represented by Tangorama president, Jörgen ( read about Jörgen as a protagonist of our Swedish origins in Piteå-Haparanda chapter by Aisha)
Jörgen got so fascinated by volcadas in our show that he immediately asked for a private lesson ( to be executed on Monday) He also got a tanda with me, as usual.

After milonga we walked back to our new house: just in the heart of the town, Langgardsgatan, a very elegant apartment with the phantom of Leif, in Spain that moment.

The good thing is that Leif has always wine provisions and it was nice to have a bottle of wine to finalize that lovely night. In the morning we were enjoying the views from the apartment. This does not seem to be a town at all...

On Thursday and Friday we were taken to Kristanstad ( I like to practise the pronunciation in Swedish of this name). The weather was perfectly Argentinean ( or, Swedish summer which fell on Thursday and Friday this year ) and we have enjoyed entertaining non-tango crowds from the stage in LILLA TORG. Tango was a part of Kristianstad Days.

We have done a good team work with Rolf and Inger, the promoters of tango in Trelleborg-Kristanstad. We have therefore deserved a good dinner.! But we had to wait to be taken to Beddingestrand to enjoy it, as it was a part of next point in the programme...

Rolf spruced up a real tango look: very elegant suit, a hat and a red touch ( a tie) matching a red corset and a hat of Inger. No wonder he has this feline caminata in tango....

WE transferred to a beach restaurant with a big terrace in Beddingestrand: here comes the name 2:a SANDBANK. No publicity necessary, it is just THE BEST PLACE ON THE STRAND!
Very nice owner, Marcus, who had learnt Spanish and cooking in Malaga, Spain, had welcomed us and the musicians and situated us in VIP table. We were to improvised to a wonderful duo: Tord in accordion ( musician from Tangarte tango orquestra) and a famous blues guitar player and singer-Steve Grahn! The concert was a pure pleasure for our ears..... and we did not have to be convinced for a long time to dance... Carmencita ( by Taube) to their music

Soon, the SPONTANTANGO spread outside of A&V couple. Here is Inger dancing with Victor to Cornelis Vreeswijk song. It was REALLY SOMETHING, the crowds in a restaurant were cheering and we had a range of invitation for the PARTY follow up. We chose the one nearest to the house ( we did not need to use the car) and with the Wine Keller. It turned out that it was not only Wine, but Whiskey, Cognac, Vodka etc.... But as Uwe ( Norwegian) said: ' you can even crawl to your house'.. . We are getting to know better and better the Scandinavian Weekend mentality....

On Saturday our tango party programme continued... we were transferred 150 km near Vinslöv, to the ' Casita del bosque' ( little house in the woods), where the owner, tanguero Rolf, was giving a big Tango Party ( see: tangoportalen). Wonderful atypical Swedish summer weather was still accompanying us... Dinner outside, in the garden-forest, dancing in the studio, singing outside...I am getting to know many ALLSONG!

We have stayed overnight in ' La casita del bosque',for some reason it is a TELLET, a very charming hotel, as the party had prolonged for SOME OF THE GUESTS. We woke up to a beautiful sunny morning, breakfast outside with other tango students who were staying near the house in their caravan!

The way back from Vinslöv to Beddinge was a neverending postcard slide show... The beauty of Sweden in July, with golden fields, greenery and while-blue skies, with rolling hills, lakes and coastline, with a windmill now and then and the red barns and houses scattered around this landscape is just... IDYLLIC! We are aware , however, that is a deceptive because ethereal charm of this BEST SUMMER DAY IN SWEDEN, SKÅNE. We would not voluntarily choose to spend winter there...

On Sunday, after the private classes ceremony, the last weekend ritual started: TANGO BARBECUE PARTY, also denominated as our ' good bye party'. It took place in Alexandra and Martin' s Beddinge cottage, outside in the garden, as the weather kept favourable...

The golden sunset light was caressing everything around, the meat was great ( applause for the ' asador' Martin!), good wines and company! Vikinga has arrived with her grandchild( ??!!!!?), which proves that tango does not let you age the usual way.

Good fun and tango.. but only as a background music! Nobody could dance after this enormous meal, wines and cognac... And next day is another intensive working day- OUR LAST DAY IN SWEDEN, with workshops and private classes...

The word ' last' is relative, as our love for Sweden grows with a reciprocity, so WE WILL STRIKE BACK for a TANGO CAMP in ÖLAND island in SEPTEMBER!!!