Our seventh consecutive time in Switzerland started in a brilliant sunny day 16th of September in Lausanne. Picked up in Geneve airport by our organiser Eric accompanied by Florence-directly to his appartment in Lausanne, Bussigny. Welcome lunch: traditional swiss RACLETTE served on Eric's balcony with the view on the Alps... Petite arvigne as aperitive.
Almost autumn in Europe, but the weather kept spoiling us: 26 degrees- our summer continues!
The same day we were put on the train Lausanne-Martigny, picked up Piotr, our next host and VALAIS WAS OURS! A TRIUMPHAL ENTRANCE to Valais du Rhone was followed by a tremendous AIR SHOW in SION.
Again,priviledged as we were, comfortable placed on the balcony ( those incredible tango connections) of Adriana, drinking champagne, Valais at our feet, combat airplanes passing in front of our noses- what else could we ask for?
Even a professional photograph to immortalize those moments- hope to get his photos one day...
Holding our breaths in front of intrepid Swiss patrouille pilots showing off in front of us, when taking another sip of arvigne....
But I loved the French displaying their blue-blanc-rouge in the air...
Can you imagine spending 5 hours watching the air show? We did. It was worth it. Valley surrounded by the Alps, priviledged balcony, good wine and company.
Monday evening invitation: raclette in Sierre by Pierrol & Francoise. Williamine not missing. Good company in the best swiss conditions. Both of them shared our cruised trip Buenos Aires-Savona last year and it's to them that we owe being invited as artists for the first tango festival in Sierre 2005.
Changing home and hoses again. Here we were again, at Rudi & Brigitte 's house in Saviese, inaugurating their private dancing floor. 7 couples of our Valais students come along for dinner and tango.
What a luxury to have a dancing floor at home big enough to organise a small milonga! For us-an opportunity to meet our students and friends. Unswissly enough, nobody wanted to go back home early, even in spite of a working day next day... Argentine "contamination"?...
Rudi & Brigitte, both keen on mountain climbing ( she herself has over 60 pics of 4000 m in her " collection), made us part of their training as maintanance. Fit as I am, after a 3 hour demanding climbinh up and down, I do admit I had muscle fatigue over next days...
Breakfast table was a real feast, also for the eyes: local cheeses, great bread I miss in Argentina and expresso completed by the Alps in front of us.
Next day's excursion: EMOSSON, in answer to our petition to see Mont Blanc. The imposing damm had something else to offer for Victor too.It's impossible to give it justice with one single photo.
Uless you were a photographer with Piotr's eyes. Same place 3 years ago. Both of us contemplating Mont Blanc, photographed by our tango student Piotr.It was cold though...
Same place, but just a snapshot of a scene by Rudi.
Changing houses and hosts again. Our good students and friends Piotr & Ludka spoiled us in different ways. For Victor, a newly emerging sculpturor, there was a visit to an atelier of a local sculpturor Jean-Jeanques. He was just terminating constructing the tower of his " castle".
One of the tango sculptures of Jean -Jacques's sculptures of fibre glass we could admire in his atelier.
No visit in Valais would be possible without an obligatory invitation for aperitive - la petite arvigne again.
Back to our Valais house number three: Piotr & Ludka's patio beneath the kiwi fruits.
Piotr's culinary abilities match his photographic ones. Enjoying his swiss barbecue before going to milonga in Brig. Mind you: still sitting outside! If we miss mentioning other invitations for the luck of photos ( Corrine & Luis)- excuez-nous!
Well, well, well, we could not forget our tango mission. Changing towns, houses and hosts again, back in Lausanne, we had an honour to have an exibition in Lausanne University. Best milonga in Switzerland so far. Great ambience, lovely cosmopolitan people. I had many dancers including Argentinean ones and spoke French, German, English, Spanish and... Polish!
Monday and Tuesday after our weekend workshops in Neuchatel and Montreaux were dedicated for private classes. Worth to mention-Sammy, our tango student, brain of research for Nestle, higher than Victor, with his tango partner Nathalie, after the 2 hour class.
Unforgettable experience of Amazones in the Alps. A whole day photo session by one of the best and most professional photographers I have ever had a chance to meet or see the photos of, Richard Forster. Half a day in his studio, followed by lunch made by him, another half in the Alps. Accomanied by our tango student Flo and Victor, I had my day as a model in Switzerland. To be repeated!
Our last days in Switzerland were tipicaly autumnly foggy. The Alps and the lake were one. Driving through the wine terraces of Lavaux ( patrimoine de l' humanité) was as usually, an aesthetic experience.
A walk in Vevey, before our dose of private classes. Victor loved the stainless steel fork pierced in a lake.
The time flied quicker than we wanted: suddenly a good bye fondu in Montreaux with tango students and next day a good bye raclette on our request with Eric and off we went to the airport. Same airport in Geneve, but a new destination: SWEDEN!
Swiss romaine was romantic enough to say good bye with a kiss: " la unique vrai langue du monde", the unique real language of the world.
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