Great apartment in the centre, Porte de Namur, makes us feel at home. The same afternoon we had a walk of ' reconnaisance ' to la Grande Place. As impressive as last year!
Victor the VIP is sick and tired of photos. NO PHOTOS PLEASE!
Victor the arquitect, however, could not resist and took some pics of those magnificent buildings. Then he chatted up a Spanish group to tease them about a football match with Switzerland.... Bad Argentinean! He is looking up at the building and looking down at the watch to be back in the apartment for another match.
We really feel at home. Nobody to spoil us today, so we went do do the shopping for dinner.
After all the restaurants with Achim & Jana ( not to say about the previous chapter in the castle of Brzeg) we submited to an quickly prepared dinner at our new lovely residence!
1 comment:
Yirando se van los días
por las ciudades de Europa,
tango a tango, copa a copa,
Praga, Bruselas, Sofía;
la gringa de la alegría
y el bailarín liceísta
le sacan lustre la pista,
con esmerado donaire,
de Varsovia a Buenos Aires,
¡vivan los artistas!
Un gran abrazo a ambos.
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