All our tango ways go through Poland this year. Warsaw seems to be the bellybottom of Europe this time, as Copenhagen was for us the other time.
It's a real cossing point between the East and West of Europe, between our Scandinavia and the south. We have probably crossed ( changing flights, trains, buses) Warsaw 4 times already! But this time is a real time: tango mission!
This building is Victor's ( the arquitect's) favourite in Warsaw- Palac Kultury i Nauki, despised by the Poles as a symbol of communism. For us is a best symbol of Warsaw.
And not the modern shopping ZLOTE TARASY
As our passing through Warsaw was very brief, we had only enough pleasurable time to give private classes, especially for our ' neurotangueros' ( mind you- in an argentinean restaurant to be opened sooon!) followed by the traditional Polish dinner of the local delicacies ( Beata knows how to spoil us!)
Our 5 month tour would not be complete without little holidays in the countryside, in our beloved Podlasie. Summer bliss, nature, tranquility and... no tango! But so much has already been written and depicted of our Podlasie spa, even last year look at: Sunday, July 13, 2008
Holidays in Podlasie -NOW
Youll remember me when the west wind moves
Upon the fields of barley
Youll forget the sun in his jealous sky
As we walk in the fields of gold
Or fields of wheat...
Or rollerblading (with a special care NOT TO damage to my precious legs and other limbs!)
Or resting/medidating/drinking mate-wine-vodka in our SECRET GARDEN with a pond&fishes.
Where the water lillies blosom.
But our GENUINE MISSION in Poland this time is a prestigious XVI Miedzynarodowe Warsztaty Tanca Nowoczesnego, helt in a vibrant city of Poznan.
Our visit in Poland will be completed by Silesia: Krakow and Katowice. Thanks to our ' tango connections' we are invited to a splendid residence of our students in Katowice. Our tango destiny brought us there already once, for one unforgettable night ( described by Victor in detail!), as our flight to Stokholm next day was precisely from Katowice airport ( thank you wizzair!). Now, following the logic itinerary we have this year, Poznan is followed by Katowice to then pop on a train to Prague!

Upon the fields of barley
Youll forget the sun in his jealous sky
As we walk in the fields of gold
But our GENUINE MISSION in Poland this time is a prestigious XVI Miedzynarodowe Warsztaty Tanca Nowoczesnego, helt in a vibrant city of Poznan.

1 comment:
Victor, aunque no tenga que ver con este post, me resulta más fácil comunicarte por este medio que el cuarto comunicado llegó sano y salvo.
Abrazos para tí, besos a la polaca.
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