"Give me my robe, put on my crown;
I have / Immortal longings in me!"
This is how I felt then. Tis England started for me when London ended. And I saw it precisely... on a window display in Gloucester... MY RED robe, please. JEEVES!
It is not quite true that our English story started on a train London Paddington- Malvern Links. It all started a year ago, when we met this special couple: Laurie & Jan, in Wales!
It must mean something when you meet special people on a beautiful dance floor in a ... church! Active churchwas lended for tango workshops and a milonga by a very progressive prist of Swansea, who thought that GOD WOULD DEFINITELY LIKE TO HAVE SOME DANCING IN HIS HOLY HOUSE! And we thought He did! He blessed us with meeting many great people, but especially this unusual couple. " The brain" of this couple is Lauri.
This is probably the most true portrait I have of him. With his inseparable pipe ( that he was kind enough to share with me, as one shares mate) and an English ( posh) smile..
When mentioned ' the brain ' it was for a reason: Sir Moseley is an Oxford University proffessor, teaching nothing less but an ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, among other! How about the combination of this and tango? For Laurie & Jan who are crazy about tango themselves, share their knowledge ( and the knowledge to ' pass' this knowledge) with their students.
Jan is a perfect complement of Laurie and not just a pretty face( and legs!): a teacher herself and very much of a LADY. A lady of ACTION. When I think about an English lady, I think about Jan. She has another great ability which makes me laugh to tears with enjoyment- she can act anything. And her best role is being an UPPER CLASS LADY( she puts this Oxford accent on). She is the one who introduced " Jeeves" in our lives! Well, the real princesses need our...in English tradition ' gentelman's gentelman' , thus...We took a train London-Malvern and were double lucky to get it: London traffic made us arrive to the Paddington station 10 min before the departure of the train( we did it, Sasha!). Then,I was quick enough to ask/force a stranger to help us with the express quick purchase of the tickets in the ticket machine ( yes, yes, we are still very beginners about it. Constantly spoiled by our Guardian Angels) And rush to the platform, where... they were just replacing our broken train! AN ENGLISH TRAIN left late!A whole notion of perfect British Railway Reality collapsed for us ( if you only knew that railway in Argentina was introduced and produced by the British...) Not only that: we had over 1 hour delay and the train terminated not, as planned, in Malvern, but in... WORCESTER! The only joy of it was that we visited ( the station) of a town where the famous Worcester souce is produced! No way to phone our Claire to inform her about our troublesome situation. We got off the train and... there is a pretty lady in a green dress, looking like a happy teenager. CLAIRE!
Luckily enough, Claire found out about the irregularity of the train and ventured to our rescue. Her feminine intuition- she claimed she got no specific help from the railway officer(???!!)-led her to Worcester. Confirmed!
WE had our well deserved snack at her beautiful country house ( how many hudreds of years old?!Victor's question)Claire's scones with cream and jam will always be remembered by our paletes!
Her garden has a fig tree with real figs you could eat, probably a couple of weeks after we left... No idea that fig trees could grow in England!
And then- only half an hour for a shower and off we go.... to the CHURCH AGAIN! Actually, we grew to love tango in the church halls! The first shock: Malvern, a place we hardly heard about, and definitely not associated with tango-there were about 60 people attending each class!
It virtually means CROWDS! Those crowds stayed for our performance and the evening, being such a massive success, deserved to be repeated. Both Claire and us decided that we should ' pop in ' on our way back from Wales for a special MALVERN TANGO NIGHT. And so it happened. But before...
Next day, Claire would not let us go without showing us the famous MALVERN HILLS, she was very proud of. But...not before the FAMOUS ENGLISH BREAKFAST, which Clare prepared with a care of detail on her Aga stove ( very very ENGLISH). After London Victor claimed for everything English. Typical English. Real English. English English. I do not think it's healthy, but it was a DELICIOUS EXPERIENCE! Sausages, bacon, eggs & backed tomatos! Live & enjoy!
Add to it an expresso coffe and the delicious bread streight from the bakery and the FAMILY was HAPPY ( the ceremony of breakfast was actively assisted by Nick, Claire's husband, and two of Claire' s grown up childeren: Lara & Josh.) Only now were we ready to conquer Malvern' Hills!
That's Claire's every morning walk with a dog ( English setter), but it's for something they are called MALVERN BEACONS!The walk was actually a hike!
It all started beautifully sunny. But when we arrived at the foot of the mountain it started to rain! HOW DAMN ENGLISH! Poor Victor, trusting the morning sun, left house with his sandals and a T-shirt. How very Argentinean! You should never take sun for granted- we were continuously preached in England ( and Wales). Victor decided to stay in the car and wait for us. I would not leave MALVERN without hill walking on the Beacon, the rain would not put me off! Neither would Claire! Perfectly equiped for the English weather ( famous!), looking smashing with her walking boots, a hat and a raincot, she started to sing:
Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun
The Japanese don't care to, the Chinese wouldn't dare to,
Hindus and Argentines sleep firmly from twelve to one,
But Englishmen detest a siesta
It's funny how often I learn a new ( and useful) song! The view from the top was very rewarding! We were walking up on a sort of an humangous lizard's tail: on one side we had Englad ( Glaucestershire), on the other- Wales. Glaucester was a patchwork of fields and Wales was a hilly landscape with Black Mountains in the distance...I absolutely recommend the hike to all the inhabitants of the area who has never done it yet ( I heard there are quite a few of them..)
This was our first ' taste of Malvern' and we had to rush back home, for were were ' handed' over to Glaucester. Our Guardian Angel was waiting for us.Pete was our driver and a guide. But WHAT a GUIDE! First, we had a ' scenic drive' through the most beautiful and interesting places. Victor learnt about the reasons of floods of the river Severn and the correct pronounciation of Tewkesbury. I wish I had a recorder with me! Pete's way of sharing his knowledge and enthusiasm with us, made us listen to him with open mouth! And his great ( English) sense of humour! And the faces he makes: after Jan, my favourite tango actress in England, I declare Pete my best male tango actor!But the " boccato di Cardenale" was, literally, the GLOUCESTER CATHEDRAL. Before we passed through the Beatrix Potter' s shop (I love my Peter Rabbit ceramic collection!).
But the GLOUCESTER CATHEDRAL TOOK OUR BREATH AWAY...Victor,the arquitect, either helt long conversations with our guide, or reverential silence...
Or took.... fotos ( it does not happen to him frequently!)
Or... was touching and examining the art of building cathedrals in the XII century...
I was looking at the scary details...
Or funny details...I love my gargoyles!We learnt that it was there where " Harry Potter" was filmed. Pete, our guide, showed us even the very door to his dormitory...
Then I thought I was having halucinations, for I could see... Harry Potter running through the long corridor...He was dancing and singing! Nobody would believe me but I managed to take this picture:
Then, I whispered to Pete: Look, if he is really Harry Poter, I will call him and he should look back. " Do it" , Pete said. I did it. And guess what happened???????
And spiritual food consisted of conversations on the highest ( English) levels and with THE BEST OF THE BRITISH ACCENTS! Victor's comment: " excellent listening comprehension!".
Various times we lost sight of one another and were alone in the deepest of the silences...
More dinner celebrations and whiskey rituals by the chimney in our ' castle ' in Gloucester. And more SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES ( a man shall not live on whiskey alone, as sb famous says) were prepared for us by Jan. It was our time for TINTERN ABBEY!

1 comment:
Hi Aisha & Victor
Thank you for your wonderful comments on “my much loved Gloucester Cathedral”, it is a very special & magical place. Perhaps next time we will be able to take in a music recital there, which I can assure you is sublime, with it’s built in acoustics, or perhaps take in a play by Shakespeare in the theatre at Stratford-upon-Avon.
Also thank you for being such wonderful people to be around, and also such Great Tango teachers. I thought your teachings and philosophies of Tango complimented the way we are trying to teach this wonderful dance to the people of Gloucester, I for one found your Tango teaching inspiring. I know everyone you came in contact with here felt the same.
We really hope we can make your visits an annual event, so we can all benefit from your teachings. So we look forward to your next visit (and hopefully improving our Tango for you) with anticipation.
So when you come next remember, whilst boarding your train at London Paddington, a little known quote by Mark Allington an English novelist and actor.
“If any one of them deserves to be a shrine, it's Paddington. [Its] departure board reads like a romantic novel, as it flicks its way through Oxford, Bath, and the Cotswolds into the very heart of England.”
Be safe on all your travels.
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