Tallinn is our first, actually a second station on our long tour in Europe this year.
Brought to this Artists Hotel by the black jaguar driven by our estonian student, Ilmari ( start writing down the collection of the strange estonian names) we are confortably nice here...among international artists.
Although spring is still chilly( Estonian kind of spring) , the sun is on TODAY. And daffodils are in bloom everywhere!

His another point of interest was the Polish Embassy ( as a fresh owner of a Polish passport opening his doors to EEC)

I discovered something for my ' spirituality'...

We both discovered that TANGO IS EVERYWHERE and making better money than in Argentina....

So we walk around the Old Town and listen to the admination for this place is all the languages ( including Spanish, Argentinean!)

An Argentinean tanguero is immediately spotted by the Estonian beauties ( on the photo-the one in red):

Surprise, surprise, we had a REAL ARGENTINEAN STUDENT for our classes today! Another surprise is that about 5 of our students could speak Spanish! But enough of tango for today, tomorrow there will be another chapter!
After 5 hours of tango we refused to have our shots of vodka on the very first evening with our students ( temptation time begins! So far we learnt:
Vana Tallin- famous local licor
millimallikas-strong conctail
viruvalge-vodka, 50%)
and went back to our apartment in the hotel. Tomorrow is a long day...

The ambience is the hotel is as bohemian as its walls...

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