This perl of a town is Cesky Krumlov. Our starting point of river rafting. Actually, the activity was kept secret from us- we only knew we were taken for a trip to a beautiful place.

Here goes our tango crew-getting ready to grab our canoes!

A good way to be introduced to the adventure: czech breakfast after a night in tents!

This is our first stop. Rozember is the ' Rose mountain' .

We need petrol! Our experienced czech crew explained that there must be two important ingredients in each canoe: chocolate and whiskey! I LOVE BOTH!

Maybe whiskey suists me better...

This is called "
soulozit" , actually, not quite sure if it's not "
saulodit"( one is of sexual reference, another is a rafting term) : floating down while all the canoes are joined. Good way to chat and share whiskey/chocolate/ experiences..

Soulozit-or soulodit...?This is a question!

Victor and the boys say the best part of rafting is called PIVO ( czech beer).

The Czech more beer per capita that ANY OTHER NATION IN THE WORLD!

And we enjoyed the delicios kedliky ( mines were ovocne knedliky), smazene syrecky, morovsky vrabec, klobasa, nakladany hermelin, pare, utopenec...

Our men were strong and handsome.

And we have a proof of our heroic deeds!

This was a first delicious STOP. U Fika is a charming place in the middle of the forest with the most delicious food and beer. And a nice bonfire to get dried after some drops of rain.

All the days were our lucky days- sunshine and roses.

The best thing in Chech Republic are their
HOSPODAS. It's in between bar and a restaurant, informal, cosy with BRILLIANT AND ECONOMIC FOOD. There we had our first experience of hermelins. Recommended to EVERYBODY WHILE IN Cesky Krumlov:
Hospoda Na Louzi.

Travellers' breakfast by the beautiful River VLTAVA.

Rafting through Cesky Krumlov ( our second day) WAS THE BEST OF ALL! A canyon with a delightfull arquitecture on both sides. AND the DAMS!

Victoriously went through one of them ( turned down only TWICE!)

You cannot disappoint crowds of admiring tourists and inhabitants gazing at the heroes!

The dog in a boat! As an argentinean saying goes " as serious as a dog in a boat" ( serio como perro en bote)

Cosy beer break on a second day. Finally - are the beer breaks all this river rafting in Czech is about?!

And finally back to our beloved luxurious Prague residence. And good bye dinner outside. Jana makes a splendid cook!

They both make great slivovice companions. So was in Prague and so was in Buenos Aires. SEE YOU NEXT YEAR, DEARS!
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