It has finished.... Gone by the wind.
The Swedish summer is gone. The suitcases are packed. For the last time this year we are saying ' GOOD BYE, SWEDEN'.
The dance is over for us here this year.
All the tangos have been danced. The fun was had. The meals and laughters shared.
Good memories will be taken away.

Our good bye milona was, of course, Carlitos, organized by our student Alexandra. The moments were immortalized. But the milonga goes on without us, as well!

Our last moments in our Swedish country residence, in Lilla Beddinge. We can feel the breeze from the Baltic sea nearby saying ' good bye'.
We embrace Inger for the last time this year.

We take mental pictures of the Swedish landscape, still green fields, or black ones, full of seagulls, red barns and while houses scattered around the countryside.
We will miss our enchanted house in Skåne!

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